about the artist

Find out all about the artist behind Amnisty Art!

Hi there! My name is Rhianna Amber and I am the artist
behind Amnisty Art! I live in the UK with my boyfriend and our cat Loki, and
run this business part time. Whilst preparing for the launch of this new site,
I have been completing an apprenticeship on business administration, to learn
all about the more practical side of being a self-employed artist. Even though
I may only be able to do this part time now, I would eventually like to make
this my full-time career!

Growing up, I was always very passionate about art, and you
could always find me surrounded by little sketches and doodles. As an only
child, I spent a lot of my time on my own, which allowed me to get lost in my
own imagination perhaps a little too often. I would regularly daydream about
fantasy worlds, and so being able to create whatever weird and magical characters
I had in my head was one of my favourite ways to spend my time.

Eventually, I stumbled upon the world of anime, and fell in
love with both the stories and the art style. The first ever anime I watched
was ‘Tokyo Mew Mew’, a story about 5 superhero girls who battle aliens and
monsters to save the Earth. I loved the characters from this show so much that
I would draw them over and over again, (which ended up being a great way to
practice and improve)! From here, I started watching other anime’s and drawing
a wider variety of characters, as well as creating my own characters. To this
day I still love creating fanart of my favourite characters and franchises, and
I find it is a great way to appreciate things and spread the joy with other’s
who may appreciate them too!

In 2018 I went to university to study fine art, as I originally
had planned to become a fine artist, however I soon realised that I had a much
bigger passion for illustration. I ended up leaving uni to pursue this, and
spent the next few years working on building my illustration skills using
watercolour. In this time, I also launched my Etsy store, which I ran for a
couple of years before closing down due to my personal circumstances changing.

In 2021 I decided to make the big switch to digital art, and
it was possibly the best decision I have ever made! Using Procreate, I have
developed my digital illustration skills and learnt a variety of new techniques.
I am so much happier creating digital art now, and even though I so still love
using watercolours, I could never see myself going back!

Eventually I ended up working as a barista, which took up a
large amount of my time and I started drawing less and less. Even though I
loved creating art, I was always so tired and stressed, and often struggled to
do anything productive during my down time. I did enjoy my job, but after
working there for a year and a half I decided I needed to make a change, to
help me move in the right direction to reach my dream. I decided it would be
best to learn more about business, and found a business administration apprenticeship
to complete for a small local company. I have thoroughly enjoyed working here for
the past year, and I have learned so many useful skills and general knowledge
about what it takes to run a business. I decided it was finally time to
relaunch my store, but this time with my own website that I built from scratch!
After many months of planning, prepping, and building up stock, it feels
amazing to finally have everything ready!

So, where I do plan on going from here? My main hope for the
future is to continue building up my brand and designing many more adorable
products to sell, as well as improving on my art skills. I also plan to start
selling at conventions and craft fairs, beginning with Hyper Japan 2024 in
July! I am so unbelievable excited to be starting with this convention, as I
have attended this myself a few times in the past. I love going through Artist
Alley and getting to see all the wonderful products and artworks that others
have created, and I can’t believe I will finally get to set up my own stall! I
will also be looking for other conventions and fairs to showcase my work, and
hopefully I will get to meet many of you there!

Thank you so much for everyone who took the time to read
through this little bio, and I hope you all love the new website! I am so
unbelievably grateful for each and every person who supports me, whether its
from making a purchase, or simply interacting with my social media, it all
makes such a big difference! I hope that I get to continue doing this for many
years to come!! :D